Monday 20 May 2013

Person@New Friends..... Me????


Hi all.

I'm someone who live at village.
And live as one of introvert person.
You can say that I'm really bad at socializing with people.

So, getting to know new people is impossible for me besides one who i need to meet and talk about work.
Nothing more or less than that.

So, no new people if they not from my work circle.

Somehow, there is this person who want to know me through sms.
He got my number from someone indirectly at my work.
Someone who know me. just know my name and need to get the work done.
So, I really dislike this kind of guys.
Who never know about me, somehow just sms me and ask so many questions like, 
what is your age, where do you live, where are you from.
It make me feel annoyed.

I prefer someone who face me and directly said that want to be friend with me.
But the complicated things of me is that I'm the one who will choose who can be my husband.
So, if a man come to me and said that he want to be friend with me, I dont care who he is.
But if somehow he want more than that (in relationship), i started being selective.

I'm afraid a man who like that.
Aishhh... I should just stay inside a cave.

Ok. The more I wrote about my self, the more I think how ridiculous I'm now.
Who exactly that I want?
On what way I want him to approach me?


KAZU is a complicated person.


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