Monday 21 January 2013

Osozaki No Himawari- KERJA?

Maaflah lama tak update. Azam dalam hati nak satu entry satu hari. Hahaha.. camne, tak sempat nak update pape. Sebabnya, bila ada depan laptop or computer baru dapat update.
Citer dah bnyak dah tengok. Hahaha... Sampai lupa dah apa nak di kongsi. Huhuhuh... Maaf. Next time akan kongsi lagi my 2 cents.
Today, I think I want to review about Japanese Drama-OSOZAKI No HIMAwaRi. 9 episodes. It has magnificent scenery. I really love it. It full of Green landscape. Shimanto, Kochi, Japan. It has big river, mountain, and Sea. Its awesome. I really wish I can be there somehow, once in my life time.

I’ll put up some image from the drama. (Ihsan Google)
I attracted to watch this drama because of the hero. Toma Ikuta. Hehehe... Handsome. While I watched the drama, I fall in love with its storyline and their scenery.

This drama is about the hero want to have permanent job after being contract worker for 3 years. After he failed to become permanent, he decided to go to Shimanto to become a volunteer for 3 years. (contract worker again).
Shimanto is a village where they struggle to maintain their livelihood of the village because of decreasing of youth villagers. Most of the youths go to city to live and work. So, Toma Ikuta were there to become a volunteer to help the remaining villagers to do their chores like send them to hospital for health check up and any job that he can help.
At the end, hero decided to live there as a farmer and help the village at the same time. He become resident of Shimanto and proud to tell his family that somehow he is not a temporary worker anymore. 

Semua watak dalam cerita ni ada masalah mereka sendiri. Masing-masing mencari hala tuju kerja mereka. Hala tuju masa depan mereka. Cerita ni membuka minda kita supaya lebih memahami apa yg org lain rasa. Apa yg org lain alami. Jgn ingt kita je yg ada masalah n org lain tu senang lenang bekerja.
Semua org dalam hidup ni berkerja keras untuk memastikan masa depan yg lebih cerah. Hubungan sesame manusia tu penting untuk kelansungan hidup kita.
Hahahah... Penat dah membebel. Nnti makin celaru pulak entry ni.

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