Alhamdulillah.. I've finished my first run. It was awesome. So much fun.
Ok. let me begin from when I came to the venue.
I was informed to report at 6PM. As a beginner, well, I afraid there might be some announcement or anything. So, I just went there and arrived at 5.30pm.
Alone and no where to go. Dont worry. If you are alone next time. Dont worry, Coz I've survived there.
You just need to use this time to find new friends.
Ok. before the run, just make sure you drink a lot of water and dont stress yourself.
Its good to be at the venue earlier than the the time mention there. So, that you can check the venue and feel the excitement. ahaks.
I'm not wearing my race jersey yet.
hehhe... I feel shy.

See, no one there. hahahah...
Even the crews and the volunteers are in preparation and some of them were just arrived.
But, hey... I'm not alone. as you are there, you might see some guys already there. They just walked around the venue.
So, do you. You should take more pictures and check where the toilets, the surau, the information counter, the luggage counter, whats there, and much more.
Plus, it is Putrajaya. so, have fun view the scenery around you.
It will be where I will start my running. hehehehe...
I felt nervous. hahaha
Ok... I was alone and suddenly I make a new friend. May-May.
she is a nice chinese girl.
She also a newbie and alone.
so we are the same. ahaks.
I make friend with her and spent the evening together. Chit Chat and taking pictures.
It so much fun. If I go there with friends, surely i will not meeting new friends.
Some guys at the stage were doing a rehearsal I guess. They are awesome. They represents ethnics in Malaysia.
We are getting tired of waiting and during that time, suddenly it rain. not the heavy one.
emm... Going somewhere to sit and continue chit chat.
After my shortbreak, I wear my race jersey and follow the crowd to feel the heat. hehehe...
Not just like at early evening, when the night come, they are so many people there.
Everyone wearing the same jersey. hehehe...
The organizer will gv a bottle of water while you are waiting.
It is important to make sure your body is in good hydration before a run.
Wear something comfortable and wear the bib at your front.
The organizer will give some information regarding how to wear your bib along with your race kit.
So make sure you are fully prepared and read all the information.
Later that night, I was able to know Jinhua. she also an awesome girl. She not the beginner in this kind of event. But she also alone. So, we just hang around and when the time for 21Km, we sent May-May to her run. heheh.. She run for 21KM. It should be my aim next year. hehehe...
Pictures below is when i waiting for our turn. Jianhua and I participate in 10Km run.
I felt the nervouse and anxiety. huhuhuh...what if I cant finish. huhuhu...
See, I'm almost at the front row.
I read somewhere, they said if you are slower, dont be at the front. But, i'm with my friend. huhu... I just need to concentrate and not let orthers disturb me by encourage me to run faster. hahaha...
I want to jog. and finish the run without any injury.
Alhamdulillah, I maintain my speed and let others pass by me.
I run alone and never felt disturb by others.
Yes, as you are the beginner, you will find others are running faster than you.
They will go pass by you.
But, please maintain your speed and be confident.
It was an awesome experienced to me.
I always jog during weekend and for almost 3Km only per session.
I was expectedmy self to stop jogging at 3km++ that night.
But supprisingly, I jog nonstop.
I guess, when you are running with so much people who have the same aim as you, you will feel motivated. It will make it look easy.
Plus, it was at night and quite windy. So it feel cool and It is Putrajaya. The city of Light. heheh...
You will enjoy the run.
Just, one important strategy from me in order to not let your ruuning getting slow.
Never, never.. and never look back. Never see who left behind. Concentrate at your front and your journey. What lies ahead.
It works for me. As I run, i never feel frustrated or demotivated because I never look who at my back. I dont want to know if i'm the last one. Coz, for me, if I know I'm the last one, I will demotivated. hehehe...
Or maybe it just work with me. hehhe...
Its up to your guys actually. some people will feel more motivated if they think they are the last group in the running. hehehe..
During the run, they will be some supporters here and there. They will support you to continue your running. I really appreciated what they have done for the runners. It helps me in some way.
The organizer also prepare three pit stop for you to take some break and drink.
I suggest you guys to stop and have some time to drink. Drink a lot.
As for me, i feel slightly regret because I just drink a cup of water at first stop, then miss the second one and drink a cup at last stop. huhuhu...
I should drink more.
I should next time.
Running at night is best experienced.
Running at this kind of event is meaningful.
You are not aim to achieved the first three spots, but U just want to achieved your best record.
U will surely amazed AT yourself on how your body and mind work.
Alhamdullilah, I finished the run at almost two hours. hahahaha...
By the time I arrived, of course-lah there a lot of others runners already finished theirs.
I arrived at finishing line and received a medal, a pack of foods and a bottle of water.
hehehe.. I guess I feel so tired that I just drink the whole bottle.
it is a good practise to drink a lot of water right after the run.
My feet feel hurt but my heart feel happy. hehehehe...
The shoe who bring me to this awesome running.
it sure help a lot as i dont feel stress at my feet during the run.
My bib number and the medal.
I just went straight to my car right after some rest. Should going back home as it already almost 11PM.
MAy-MAy finish her run slightly one after I finish. Jianhua finish early. he such a good runner. hehehe...
But i wasnt able to meet them after the run. huuhu...
Maybe next time. hehehe...
we will meet again next time.
So,while you are healthy, why dont try sport like this.
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