My Kuching Trip for 4 days and 3 nights. I have this trip with my friends. Last year. We did buy cheap tickets from Air Asia. It cost only RM150 return flight. So, Off we Go!!
Where we go?
1) Kuching City
2) Magherita Port
3) DUN Building
4) Kek Lapis Sarawak factory
5) Cultural Village
6) Damai beach
7) TOP SPOT: Best seafood in town
8) Water front City
But I didn't bring my camera, so just take it with my HP.
not so much pictures to share. And some of it already lost. haha... What to do.
Our flight at morning. So, we did have nice view from above while landing. The world is so small from above. This must be the reason why pilot want to be a pilot. You feel free at above.

Because of I turn off my hp, so, there is no picture from inside the plane.
We arrived at noon. It takes almost two hours flight.
This is my fifth time taking a flight. But the third destination. (I take into account the return flight).
We spent our holidays at Woodpecker Lodge. It was small but clean. As travellers where luxury is not important, WoodPecker Lodge give us all the necessity.
Off we go to have a lunch after some rest.
Where to eat? huhuhuh... I have no idea n just walk in to a restaurant. Mee Kicap for me for my lunch. Its OK for me. No X factor.
Because of we stay at at the heart of Kuching, we can just walk to water front and other places around Kuching. So, after lunch, we walk to water front Kuching and did some visit to memorable places such as Port Maghrita. I think they have some remodelling or else so, the places is closed for anyone.
After that, we just walk by the river.
There is so much places to go. Across the river, they have all kind of Kek Lapis Srawak and Ikan Tetubuk masin.
You need Sampan or boat to go to the other side. Hehehe.... Love the scenery.
What we have for diiner!!!
hehehe... I already forgot the name of the restaurant. What I remember, it situated near the jetty area. Very woody and classic. Seem like you ate in a tree hut. But it has nice view and nice service.
When you go to Kuching, you need to buy Kek LApis Sarawak. There a lot of variety of Kek Lapis. Just choose. I buy one for our snack back at our room.
Nice. But definitely will not buy it again. hahahaha...
Buy another taste. ahaks.
At our second day, we went to Sarawak Cultural Village. It far from Kuching City. And you need a shuttle bus or taxi to go there. It near DAMAI beach.
The ticket is RM60 for a person. But if you have student card, it will down to RM15. Gooray for me who bring my student card around even though I leave my studies about two years already. hahaha
They have all kind of house in there and what best is their musical dance. Its awesome. I excited to watched them dancing and having fun. Above is the chandelier in the theater. "Periuk Kera".
This is the ticket. You will be given a passport also. Just as a kind of souvenier from the village.
The entrance. Sarawak Cultural Village located in front of DAMAI Beach.
After spent hours in there, we go to DAMAI Beach for some refreshment. Oppss..
Dont be like us. We stay at outside the entrance while waiting for our shuttle van. After the van come, he asked us why we did not enter the village once again instead waiting him there because the ticket is one day entrance. ARGHHHHH!!!!!. Why you did not said so sooner. huhuhuh ...
We spent almost 3 hours at outside the entrance of the cultural village. T T...
This pictures were taken using my hp and actually at noon. Sun is right above us.
But the view is magnificent. ALLAH AKBAR.
I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
There is an area for private beach. In front of a resort. But we just cross over the bridge and rest there.
Have seen the ocean and feel the breeze is really cool. hahaha... Just make sure you sit under the shades. ahaks
After that, at night we go to TOP SPOT. the best seafood restaurants are there. It located at the city of Kuching. At the roof top. We failed to locate the restaurant on the second day. So, we make sure we place our foot there at our last night. Even though the rain is heavily pouring, it didnt stop us to go there and have our dinner.
My friend suggest to have our dinner here. At restaurant no25. We followed and yes, the menu is awesome and delicious. This is what its look like when we finish eating. Nothing left. hahaha...
The Ikan siakap masam manis is awesome. Just try anything. I bet it will delicious.
Once we finished eating, the rain stopped. So, we just take our sweet time to have a walk by the river. And take pictures around the city. Night view is more beautiful for me.
Yes, whenever you go to Kuching, make sure stop by at this statue. Then you can called yourself already been to Kuching. hehehe...
By the river, you will see so many street restaurant, and souvenier being sold.
There also some random monument along the walk.
DUN building is full of light at night. This building is known as one of the trademark building for Kuching. You can see it being featured in Fridge magnet, keychain and tshirt.
The next day, is our last day. we spent our day buying souveniers and take a walk around Kuching and stop by at State Mosque.
Then, at 6 PM we went to airport. My friend did sent us there. Our flight is at night. So, I like it. Cool. I can have the night view from above. Where all lights are visible. You can see how beautiful night is. Ypou will appreciate your life more and how small you are in this world.
We arrived at LCCT around 11PM.
Soon, i'll go there again with my friends. Kuching is Awesome places to spent your holiday.
They have a lot of delicious food and places to go.
Safely arrived at LCCT.
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